How to become a partner of m-eating-table


Advertising partners

An m-eating table is a set table (2 - 99 people) that welcomes guests to a shared meal. There can also be several tables, indoors and outdoors. Communication is desired. The restaurant owner receives from m-eating-table, as long as his contribution is valid:

• welcome m-eating-table stands (table cards)

• stickers (stickers for the entrance door)

• business cards

• support, public relations

• presentation of the advantages and use of m-eating-table to your employees:

  better capacity utilization/table management = more tips, more sales ...

• entry on, google map

• the right to advertise m-eating-table on your own restaurant

  homepage, to organize m-eating-table special events (by arrangement)...

• m-eating-table advertises m-eating-table partners in the classic and new

  media, magazines like to write articles on this topic.

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approx. 4,000 visitors per month

Advertising banner:     CHF/€ 450.- for two years

Trial banner:                 CHF/€ 300.- for one year

Das erste nachhaltige Fachmagazin der Hospitality-Branche

Tief recherchiert. Lesenswert geschrieben. Interessiert gelesen.

Standard subscription:     CHF/€ 450.-- for two years

Trial subscription:             CHF/€ 300.-- for one year